COVID Caution!
As we enter the season of colds, flu, COVID, and other illnesses, we want to remind everyone to stay mindful of your health and the health of others. At Darby Connections, our mission is to help people Make Friends and Keep Them, which often involves activities that bring people together in close proximity—something the CDC might raise an eyebrow at. From mingling to passing around cards, we’re naturally sharing more than just fun.
To ensure everyone can enjoy the season without disruptions, please take a few simple precautions to prevent the spread of illness. We’d hate for anyone to miss holiday gatherings with loved ones because they’re unwell.
- Stay up to date with vaccines. Vaccines help slow the spread of illnesses and reduce the severity if you do catch something.
- Stay home if you’re feeling unwell. It’s one of the best ways to protect others.
- Wear a mask if you need to go out while feeling under the weather or are recovering.
- Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands regularly, avoid licking your fingers, and cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue or your elbow (not your hands).
- Get tested for COVID if you’re experiencing symptoms, and let others know if you’ve tested positive.
Let’s work together to keep this season joyful and illness-free for everyone. Wishing you all a safe and healthy holiday season!