Round 6 20:07
4 Jodi M-3105
4 Sarah B-3367
10 Kara B-3035
5 Linda M-4763
10 Abby F-4905
5 Cooper H-1552
6 Cole G-1789
5 Ethan B-3272
4 Elizabeth H-3560
7 Simeon G-4664
9 John(JD) D-3209
4 Sean K-4327
9 Jill T-1529
4 Holly F-3423
5 Victoria D-4457
4 Amy S-4665
This event is held at Gate Keeper Games in Berkley, Michigan! Please support them by buying a game or having a cocktail. Yes, they have a bar. We bring in Pizza for everyone. We ask that you chip in at least $5 for the Pizza by Donating Here if you are in a position to do so.
? Support the Restaurant: Enjoy dinner at Euchre and earn an extra 10 points! If you can, kindly support Darby Connections with a donation here.
? Entry & Prizes: No entry fee required. Weekly highest scorers get a prize, and there's a grand prize for the monthly champion.
⏰ Flexible Timing: Arrive any time you prefer. Most guests come early for Dinner in peace, while others join later. Leave at your own convenience.
? New to Euchre? No problem! Watch these "How to Play Euchre" videos. Install the Trickster Cards app on your phone and set up an account (see our signup instructions here). It's great for practice and for instances when we have an uneven number of players.
? How to Participate:
- Create an account on
- Just show up! No need for weekly commitments or playing all evening. Typically, we play 6-8 games each night.
Game Rules & Format:
- Scoring: Everyone deals twice each game. Can have more then 10 points. Four points for Euchres and Reneges on Loners. Your weekly score is the sum of your top five games. Monthly score is based on your top ten games.
- Winning: Daily high-scorers win a prize. Tie-breakers favor the player with the highest hand. Must be present to win.
- Gameplay: Change partners after each game. Each player deals twice. Screw the Dealer. No game starts post 8:30 pm.
- Additional Rules:
- No table talk regarding the current hand. Talk your heads off about everything else. THIS IS A SOCIAL EVENT! Keep games brisk.
- Don't be a jerk!
- Have fun!
Important Notes:
- Register to help us manage seating and scoring.
- Logged-in users can view scores on the event page.
- We communicate via text for seat assignments and score updates.
We look forward to seeing you and hope you have a great time!
Do you plan to participate?
Please Support Our Sponsor!
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Round 6 20:07
4 Jodi M-3105
4 Sarah B-3367
10 Kara B-3035
5 Linda M-4763
10 Abby F-4905
5 Cooper H-1552
6 Cole G-1789
5 Ethan B-3272
4 Elizabeth H-3560
7 Simeon G-4664
9 John(JD) D-3209
4 Sean K-4327
9 Jill T-1529
4 Holly F-3423
5 Victoria D-4457
4 Amy S-4665
Round 5 19:42
7 Cooper H-1552
4 Sean K-4327
Dave P-4241
4 Elizabeth H-3560
7 Abby F-4905
5 Harriet F-1879
10 Linda M-4763
4 Dennis C-1894
3 Ethan B-3272
14 Jeff L-1898
10 Victoria D-4457
4 Cole G-1789
7 John(JD) D-3209
5 Glenn H-1275
11 Curt C-152
3 Sheri K-3561
6 Ilyse F-2139
5 Vacant 1-1257
Round 4 19:18
8 Kara B-3035
5 Sheri K-3561
8 Abby F-4905
4 John(JD) D-3209
4 Ethan B-3272
4 Mary K-3601
4 Simeon G-4664
11 Harriet F-1879
1 Curt C-152
7 Sean K-4327
4 Dave P-4241
14 Victoria D-4457
8 Amy S-4665
5 Glenn H-1275
4 Cole G-1789
8 Cooper H-1552
8 Joe M-4946
4 Vacant 1-1257
Round 3 18:56
1 Amy S-4665
9 Jeff L-1898
10 Ethan B-3272
2 Dave P-4241
2 Sheri K-3561
6 John(JD) D-3209
4 Marilyn H-3562
5 Holly F-3423
6 Curt C-152
3 Glenn H-1275
8 Chris B-4931
9 Victoria D-4457
4 Joe M-4946
5 Ilyse F-2139
4 Sean K-4327
6 Simeon G-4664
6 Vacant 3-1339
4 Jimmy D-3
Round 2 18:30
5 Kara B-3035
4 John(JD) D-3209
7 Matthew L-1758
6 Harriet F-1879
5 Dennis C-1894
5 Regina F-4260
6 Cole G-1789
5 Sean K-4327
4 Glenn H-1275
6 Victoria D-4457
1 Chris B-4931
10 Abby F-4905
2 Marilyn H-3562
8 Sheri K-3561
5 Ilyse F-2139
6 Ethan B-3272
9 Vacant 3-1339
6 Jimmy D-3
Round 1 18:00
5 Suzanne C-3932
6 Sheri K-3561
7 Elizabeth H-3560
7 Mary K-3601
5 Linda M-4763
5 Abby F-4905
9 Curt C-152
3 Jeff L-1898
6 Marilyn H-3562
7 Glenn H-1275
4 Matthew L-1758
7 Jodi M-3105
8 Victoria D-4457
4 Ziggy G-4624
5 Ryan C-3191
5 Simeon G-4664